Asheville Lions Club 05/17/2017 It’s hard to believe that Asheville Lions Club is about to get underway! I love this show and I enjoy the friends, the area and of course the food. I arrived Monday night into Asheville so I could continue my preparation for the show, after spending the past two weeks working with my instructor Sarah Barclay working to perfect my skills. I love my barn time, but getting to the horse shows is the opportunity to show off the hard work, and hours I spent preparing. I always feel fortunate to
It’s hard to believe that Asheville Lions Club is about to get underway! I love this show and I enjoy the friends, the area and of course the food. I arrived Monday night into Asheville so I could continue my preparation for the show, after spending the past two weeks working with my instructor Sarah Barclay working to perfect my skills. I love my barn time, but getting to the horse shows is the opportunity to show off the hard work, and hours I spent preparing. I always feel fortunate to
Perry, GA 04/02/2017 Today I am travelling to Perry, GA to launch my 2017 show season. I have just spent the last week at the barn riding and training to prepare for this upcoming week. I am excited to debut on CH-EQ Harlem’s Wild & Wonderful (Thor). But before I show, I have arranged to arrive early so I can support the USEF Saddle Seat Invitational by volunteering as a groom. I am going to be grooming for both the practice and competition rides.I feel this is a great opportunity to give back to a program I have
Today I am travelling to Perry, GA to launch my 2017 show season. I have just spent the last week at the barn riding and training to prepare for this upcoming week. I am excited to debut on CH-EQ Harlem’s Wild & Wonderful (Thor). But before I show, I have arranged to arrive early so I can support the USEF Saddle Seat Invitational by volunteering as a groom. I am going to be grooming for both the practice and competition rides.I feel this is a great opportunity to give back to a program I have
Thank You! 03/22/2017 I am excited that the 2017 show season is about to get underway! This is my last year as a junior exhibitor and I cannot believe how fast the time has passed. I am so appreciative of the experiences, friendships and memories this opportunity has provided me. I am not an overly sentimental person, but coming into this last year in Equitation I have found myself reflecting on how unbelievably fortunate I am.
I am excited that the 2017 show season is about to get underway! This is my last year as a junior exhibitor and I cannot believe how fast the time has passed. I am so appreciative of the experiences, friendships and memories this opportunity has provided me. I am not an overly sentimental person, but coming into this last year in Equitation I have found myself reflecting on how unbelievably fortunate I am.